Psalter with supplement of atypical content. This manuscript was most likely compiled in the 15th to 16th cent., at which time portions of other manuscripts were added to it (leaves 72-83 and 91-95). There is also a possibility that leaves 2-4, 6-17, 19-28, 97-102 and 107-117 were added at yet another time during the third restoration. Prayers at the rite of confession, the rite of communion with holy water ("agiazma"), prayer of St. Niphon and the service of the Holy Burning Bush of Sinai are among the particularly noteworthy texts found in this psalter. Leaf 1a, David's Psalms with numbered kathismata; leaf 108a, biblical odes, followed by troparia, "amōmoi" hymns, canons, prayers. Leaf 1a, several scribblings, pen-testing and ornaments as well as an inscription indicating the location of the manuscript. Leaf 126b, a 15th/16th unfinished inscription.